Sunday, May 29, 2011

Week 12 HDR Images Final Assignment

1.       Follow a demonstration from your teacher on HDR images.

2.       Create your own from the shoot last week.

3.       Start work on your final project.

Final Assignment - Final Photo composition

Capture a Digital image: ICPMM321B

Edit a Digital image: ICPMM322B

Due: 20/06/11

Weight:  50%

Type a proposal for your final assignment.

The final work can be anything you are interested in but needs to fit into the following specifications.

Must show intent and planning with a strong idea.

Must be at least 1 A3 page in size at 300dpi.

Contain at least one photo you have taken yourself.

Show a degree of optimizing or editing in the Adobe Photoshop program.

Show a degree of composition within the chosen frame.

Contain the use of text placement.


Save in a folder titled with (your initials) final assignment (e.g. dmfinal assignment) as a PSD with layers fully intact, along with any supporting material (proposal, photos) and submitted to the teacher by the due date. Submit a copy to your blog.


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