Monday, April 4, 2011

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Week 7

1.       Follow the demonstration by your teacher on the selection tools in Photoshop.
2.       Follow the link below for a repeat on how to use the pen tool for selection in Photoshop.
3.       On the public drive in the class folder is a document with a list of shortcuts used with the pen tool. Open it for reference.
4.       In the same class folder is an image titled circle.jpg. Open it into Photoshop.  
5.       Create a new canvas in Photoshop 21 cm x 29.7cm 300 (pixels/inch) and use the fill tool to create a black background.
6.        Using the pen tool select the circle from the cirle image, convert the path formed by the pen tool into a selection and then copy and paste it across to your new canvas with the black background.
7.       Check to see you have made a correct selection. If there is white showing try again.
8.       Repeat for all the other images in the folder then try your own images.
9.       Have a go at using the other selection tools to select the practice images but only paste across your pen tool selection. You must get proficient with the pen tool.